
menstruation लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

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Namaste ! Warm Greetings from RSKS India ..... If you are from India, chances are that the word ‘menstruation’ conjures up an uncomfortable image in your mind. This is because menstruation is a forbidden topic and is not discussed openly in India due to the stigma associated with it. In many parts of India, menstruating women are considered to be unclean. They are not allowed to enter the kitchen, visit temples or auspicious functions. Dasra, an NGO,did a report in 2014 titled Spot On!, which found that70% of the mothers, predominantly in rural and among lower income classes, consider menstruation as ‘dirty’ and most of them are not aware of what menstruation really is. It is little surprise then that most rural or urban poor girls, would not have heard of menstruation before they reach menarche, the onset of menstruation. The chronic lack of awareness about menstruation has led to the prevalence of unhygienic p...