Make an Impact in Ground

Polio destroyed my happiness at first and now Covid-19 is destroying. My name is Rupa and i am 32 years old. Me and my husband are disabled. I do sewing and my husband was daily wages labour and now he is not getting any employment from anywhere so the financial situation of the family is becoming poor day by day. And all this is leading to skipping of meals and depression. I have been sewing in order to earn something but no one is purchasing anything as because of lockdown. With your support we will become self reliant and we will win our fight against this virus. We will be purchasing food materials and education material for our children so that after this destruction caused due to this pandemic, we will be able to move forward with ease. SUPPORT HER/HIM FAMILY Support by going at these links:- Together We Can Create A Brighter Tomorrow! #TogetherWeCan #Brighter #to...