Kindness is the key that opens the door of favour and beautiful surprise
My name is Ramzan and I am 32 years old and living in village. I am handicapped from childhood and my elder brother is always taking care of me. I didn't get married as i didn't wanted to be a burden on someone. During this time of pandemic, I feel like I am becoming a burden on my brother as he is facing a lot of problems in order to provide his family and me meal. He was daily wage labour but know due to the situation caused by Covid-19. He is unable to do anything and us unemployed. Your support can help me in helping my brother and his family as he is my mother, father and everything to me. He will not fall in high debt and we will be able to eat meal with the food materials provided with your support. SUPPORT HER/HIM FAMILY Support by going at these links:- Together We Can Create A Brighter Tomorrow! #TogetherWeCan #Brighter #tomorrow #Create #marginalized #...